4 Big Reasons to Add Bovine Colostrum to Your Puppy’s Routine

Puppyhood is a period of rapid physical growth and cognitive development. To give your puppy a healthy start, it’s imperative to support their systemic (or whole-body) health.

Q: And where does whole-body health begin? A: The gut. (Translation: Their digestive system — which is directly influenced by their daily source of nutrition.) 

To support their immunity and strengthen their gut barrier integrity — the system which keeps bad things out (like bad bacteria, toxins, and antigens) and good things in (like vitamins and minerals) — providing them with complete and balanced nutrition and daily supplements to support their digestive system is mission-critical. 

One such supplement is Bovine Colostrum, a supernutrient which supports your puppy’s: 

  1. Digestive Health (Nutrient Absorption, Regular BMs)

  2. Immune Function (Microbial Diversity, Gut Barrier Integrity)

  3. Skin and Coat Health (Hydration, Reduced Allergen Sensitivity)

  4. Muscle, Joint, and Cartilage Health (Tissue Growth and Development) 

Bovine Colostrum is rich in bioactive compounds including immunoglobulins and other immune factors to help neutralize viruses and protect against harmful microorganisms colonizing the gut. In fact, research has shown it may be a key ingredient to supporting your puppy as they transition from weaning to solid foods. 

In one study, puppies who received an oral supplementation of bovine colostrum had improved fecal quality (which can worsen due to the stresses of changing both diet and environment). Bovine colostrum supplementation may also help reduce the rates of recurrent gastroenteritis and support the vitality of puppies in early life.

During this early life stage, puppies are more susceptible to certain viruses (namely parvovirus and rotavirus). Why? Passive immunity begins to wane during weaning (translation: a puppy’s immune system is not fully developed). To bolster their immune response and protect them from illnesses, feeding them an unprocessed diet high in protein and low in carbohydrates and potentially adding a targeted digestive supplement is important. 

Our Puppy Formula includes powdered Bovine Colostrum (Alpha-Casozepine) for these very reasons. It contains extraordinary antibody proteins with hyperimmunity and anxiety-reducing properties that rival the effectiveness of synthetic benzodiazepines. 

In addition to its immune boosting properties, Bovine Colostrum also makes for healthier bowel movements. Fact: Many puppies struggle with diarrhea and loose stools. To make potty training a little less messy/ chaotic, try adding this to their routine.

Oh, and if that’s not enough reasons to try Bovine Colostrum — it also helps keep your puppy properly nourished/ hydrated, supports allergen resistance, and regulates proper skeletal and muscular development as your puppy grows into an adult dog. 


Giffard, C. J., Seino, M. M., Markwell, P. J., & Bektash, R. M. (2004). Benefits of bovine colostrum on fecal quality in recently weaned puppies. The Journal of nutrition, 134(8 Suppl), 2126S–2127S. https://doi.org/10.1093/jn/134.8.2126S


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