Why I built Maev (Raw), Instead of Opting to Feed Fresh, Air Dried, or Other Healthy Dog Foods
I rescued my dog George ten years ago. At the time, I knew that a balanced diet mattered, but I had no idea that the choice I made about what kind of diet to give George would make such a big difference in his healthiness, happiness, or how many years we would have together.

How to Teach Your Dog “Touch” — A Step-By-Step Guide
This trick can help your dog build confidence in new environments, redirect them in the presence of a trigger or stressor, and even acts as a reliable recall command during off-leash activities. Plus, it’s a great way to entertain and exercise.

Bovine Colostrum: The Super Nutrient You Didn’t Know Your Dog Needed
One super nutrient that’s getting a lot of air time is bovine colostrum. But what is it and what are the benefits of adding it to your dog’s routine?

How to Hack Dog Allergies
Spring means showers, flowers, and, for many of us, the arrival of peak allergy season (dogs included). But how do you know if your dog is struggling with seasonal allergies?

Dog Poop and the Art of Stool Gazing
Dogs can't text (yet). And they definitely can’t verbalize their feelings or describe ailments (which makes it challenging for dog parents to identify health issues promptly).

The Gut-Brain Connection and Its Impact on Your Dog’s Health
Translation: Consuming a complete and balanced diet filled with whole foods and key micro and macronutrients promotes optimal physical and mental health. (Eating right gives the body and the mind an advantage.)

The Power of Oral, Digestive, and Immune Health in Dogs
As dog parents, our top priority is to ensure the day-to-day well-being, quality of life, and longevity of our best friends — our dogs.

Why Everyone’s Talking About Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Like humans, dogs require essential nutrients to thrive from puppyhood to adulthood, and into their golden years. Among these, Omega-3 fatty acids have emerged as a sort of supernutrient when it comes to promoting overall well-being in dogs

9 Reasons Why Your Dog Should Eat Ch-Ch-Cha Chia Seeds
Did you know they contain all 9 essential amino acids to support critical cellular processes in both humans and dogs?

Giving a Dog a Bone (and Other Table Scraps) May Literally Make Them Healthier
No matter your species, health begins in the gut. With that in mind, one of the most impactful decisions you can make on behalf of your dog is the source of their daily nutrition.

5 Reasons Why Your Dog Should Take a Daily Supplement
Dogs thrive on an unprocessed diet high in protein and low in carbohydrates. But did you know your dog may also need a daily supplement to bolster their functional health, day-to-day well-being, and longevity?

3 key nutrients to keep your dog hydrated
The dog days of summer are almost here. Time to make sure your dog is prepared.

Raw Food is the best investment you can make for your dog. Here’s why.
Ensuring your dog’s best future health? Priceless.

The Maev guide to targeting & treating your dog’s biggest health concerns
Introducing Maev Bundles: hyper-targeted nutrition that takes the guesswork out of your dog’s best health.

The truth about prescription dog foods and their manufacturers
What are prescription diets, and why don’t they work as expected?

Your complete transition guide to Maev Raw Food
What to expect when you transition your dog’s diet, and why it’s critical to get it right.

Ask the Maev Vets: How can my dog avoid dental disease?
Your dog’s oral mechanics, early warning signs, and preventative measures. Asked and answered by Maev’s board-certified veterinary nutritionists.

What exactly is the BARF diet for dogs?
The science and health benefits behind the most common raw food diet for dogs.

Ask the Maev Vets: How much Omega 3, 6, & 9 does my dog need?
Breaking down the basics of your dog’s essential fatty acids.