How to take care of your dog’s dental health

The science and solution behind your dog’s best dental hygiene and health.

Having good teeth takes a lot of work.

Dental health is one of the most expensive and pervasive concerns amongst dog owners in the US today. In New York, an average dental cleaning runs around $700 — and that’s before considering any elective disease-fighting treatments or surgical procedures. 

But we don’t have to tell you this. As a dog owner, you feel the pain through your dog’s discomfort (and the burning hole it leaves in your wallet). While medical intervention helps relieve immediate pain, it’s only a temporary solution without the proper long-term care. 

Changing their diet is the most preventative and painless way to ensure those pearly whites stay protected. 

The math is easy: What happens inside a body will eventually reflect on the outside (and that’s usually not a pretty sight). Repairing their dental health starts by understanding what we feed them — and how proper nutrition can change the game.

Starch intake and oral pH are the two leading indicators of dental health. 

Starches, the main ingredient in even the healthiest kibbles, are porous macronutrients that cling onto smooth surfaces, leaving behind a Velcro-like film over your dog’s teeth. This creates the perfect living environment for plaque, tartar, and other bad bacteria to thrive rent-free in their mouth.

Eating a high-starch diet simultaneously increases the pH inside your dog’s mouth. At maximum health, their oral pH should be acidic enough to kill bacteria during salivary digestion. Starches, which are highly basic, suppress these natural bacteria-fighting properties. 

Starting your dog on raw food is the best non-medical method to pristine dental health. 

Dogs are biologically designed to eat what’s known as an ancestral diet — a raw protein-based diet that actively restores and defends their bodies from environmental pathogens. Raw diets are inherently low on the starches and carbohydrates that deteriorate dental health, restoring your dog’s oral pH to its natural state. 

Maev’s Raw Food is designed accordingly — plus served with a frozen texture that works to doubly exfoliate leftover tartar buildup off your dog’s teeth. 

Here’s to a clean slate. 

Raw Food - One Time Purchase

The core of every Maev diet. Made with 100% real USDA beef round, beef liver and sweetbreads, kale, peas, blueberries, and pork bone flour. Topped with additional superfoods to target your chosen wellness goal. Flash-frozen and delivered to your doorstep for easy feeding.

15lbs, $142.00


Why we make Maev Raw Food frozen


How to transition your dog to raw food