Meet Maev’s February Dog of the Month

This may come as a surprise, but there’s nothing we love more than celebrating dogs. So, each month we’re spotlighting a dog from our community. For the month of February, we’d like you to meet Maia!

Tell us about your dog’s origin story (how they chose you, how you chose them, or how they got their name).

When I was on the search for a dog, Maia’s photo — captioned “looking to be rehomed” — was sent to me. As soon as I saw her photo, I immediately knew she had to be mine. Her big ears and eyes melted my heart. Then, I found out we share the same birthday, so it was meant to be!

Squirrels, bunnies, or birds?

100% squirrels! They test her patience with staring competitions daily. 

If you could ask your dog one question and have them answer, what would it be?

What do you think about when you’re people-watching?

What is your dog’s beige flag?

She has to chew on a deer antler after every meal.

If you could pick any actor to play your dog in a movie, who would it be?

Oh gosh, maybe Selena Gomez?

What table scrap would your dog trade you for?

Truthfully, if it’s edible, she’ll take anything she can get!

If your dog had a job, what would it be?

She’s a big foodie girl, so taste tester or quality assurance!

What is your dog’s name for you?


When your dog is dreaming, what’s it about?

I believe she dreams about running on beaches or playing in the snow. Something about when she touches sand or snow, she immediately gets the zoomies. And when she’s sleeping, her paws are always active.

If your dog had a dating profile, what would be their most attractive quality?

Always down for new adventures!

If your dog slid into our DM’s, what would they say?
I know I’m not a big dog, but I have a big heart! 🫶

Follow them here!

Is there a special dog in your life that you’d like to nominate? Slide into our DMs @meetmaev 


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