5 Health Benefits of Being In Nature (With Your Dog) 

Spring’s arrival means it’s time to rewild (translation: grab your dog and get outside to connect with your better half, nature). Why? To start, there are about a billion health benefits — and science says it makes you happy.

  • Sense of Well-being 

It is a fairly well-documented phenomenon that time spent in nature may cause an elevated state of joy and feelings of contentment. For example, biophilia is the innate pleasure that comes from being around other living organisms and experiencing our interconnectedness. 

  • Better Mood + Sleep 

This is the easiest way to increase your Vitamin D production. Sunlight is scientifically proven to activate serotonin in your brain, elevate your mood, and help maintain your circadian rhythm so you’ll sleep more soundly at night. (Note: Vitamin D is also a critical nutrient to bolster your skeletal health and immune system.) So, get out and play in the sunshine! 

  • Mental Health   

Generally speaking, time spent in nature acts as an antidote to stress, depression, and anxiety. In the age of information sharing, we tend to be quite overstimulated. So, getting back to basics — fresh air, sunlight, the smell of the earth, the sound of the breeze — all have a relaxing effect on the mind and body. Did you know that birdsong is a great way to unwind and relieve tension? Listening to birds sing calms the nervous system. We evolved with birdsong. When bird’s sing, it tells our animal brain that we are safe (there are no predators nearby). 

  • Systemic Health

If sitting is the new smoking, walking or jogging short distances every day is a great way to support each other’s cardiovascular health, strengthen mobility, spend quality time together, and destress. As your dog ages, regular exercise is also crucial for maintaining a healthy weight. The shared experience of being outdoors strengthens the bond between you and your dog and helps to foster a sense of unity and shared purpose. And like children, dogs flourish with routine. So, try to get outside regularly and around the same time every day. *If you are sleep traning/ potty training a puppy, this regularity will also be very helpful. 

  • Cognitive Stimulation 

Dogs perceive the world largely through their olfactory system (or their sense of smell). When you venture outside, your dog’s brain lights up with sensorial activity. For you, engaging with the natural world provokes a sense of vastness, complexity, beauty, and wonder. Nature is a tranquil setting to reconnect with your deep thought and emotions. 


Meet Maev’s March Dog of the Month


Meet Maev’s February Dog of the Month