How Ernie Got His Smooth Back

A Before & After Maev Story 

For six years, Maev's office dog Ernie struggled with dry, flaky skin, itchiness, and dandruff. Until he made the switch to a raw food diet. Sit down with Ernie’s Dog Parent, Jama, to learn more about his recovery journey and how he went from being itchy, scratchy to soft and shiny. 

Tell us about Ernie’s Skin & Coat struggles before feeding him Maev.

Ernie’s skin issues were so real. Honestly, I had reached a point where I simply accepted that Ernie would have dandruff forever. 

I tried switching his kibble, switching up his proteins, adding salmon oil and other Omega-6 toppers, using coconut oil, and anything else Google told me to try. However, everything I did added extra steps to our dinner time routine, extra errands, and cost extra money, yet nothing made a noticeable enough difference for me to say, "Yep! This works!"

Tell us about Ernie’s Skin & Coat wins after feeding him Maev regularly. 

I had heard that raw food has positive effects on skin and coat health, but I was never able to find one that worked for me until Maev. There is no prep, which is huge, and he gets everything he needs to support healthy skin in one easy step. I don't have to think about adding extra supplements to his bowl because I know he is getting everything he needs (and more). Not to mention, he's the softest and shiniest he's ever been!

I couldn't be happier with his raw food journey! My boy Ernie is absolutely thriving on Maev's Raw Food, Skin & Coat Formula! My friends and family have all been amazed by how shiny and soft his coat has become! After six years, his dandruff has completely cleared up and he's noticeably less itchy. 


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